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Social Life Changes and EEG Scan

Social Life Changes and EEG Scan November 1, 2013 My lifestyle had completely changed from before the incident. I had always been a party animal before the injury. Now, I was either at the gym, swimming or on my bike. I would never have imagined I would ever be like...

Feeling Worthless

Feeling Worthless October 6, 2013 My training partner, Chris, felt inspired from completing the half marathon. He asked if I would join him in taking part in a sprint triathlon. I told him that I struggled to swim a length so it wouldn’t be possible. I thought about...

Home Life is Difficult

Home is Difficult September 2, 2013 It was a really proud moment presenting the cheque to the ward that had saved my life. The ward staff and chief executive of HEY hospitals were there. Also, local media came to do an interview. There was a cakes and coffee buffet. I...

Presenting Neuro Ward 4/40 with £17,000

Presenting Neuro Ward 4/40 with £17,000 August 20, 2013  I had been collecting the sponsor money from the Half Marathon event. We had raised a massive £17,000 for neurosurgical ward 4/40. This was really special as I knew where that money was going and the people it...

Appearing in Men’s Health Magazine

Appearing in Men’s Health Magazine July 2, 2013 Men’s Health August edition hit the shops. It felt pretty surreal seeing myself on the shelf in the local newsagent! I just really hoped the article would reach people during their brain recovery. That was my...