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P.A.U.L at Poorboy and Passing My Driving Assessment

March 1, 2015

Week 21 of my marathon challenge. I had great support from 2 friends either side of the bridge. Thanks to Lee and Rosey. We crossed Yorkshire – Lincolnshire with a 21 mile run. It  hurt like hell, but we got through it!




March 3, 2015

Exciting Times – a range of PAUL clothing is now in stock at Poorboy Boutique – Princess Quay. Thanks to Riccardo at Poorboy Boutique for making this possible.

March 6, 2015

Great to catch up with the lady behind my logo. Thanks for all your amazing work Sarah – looking great on your T-Shirt and hoody!

March 7, 2015

A symbol of hope. The future can be bright after brain injury. Thanks to Andrew at Bespoke Boutiques for creating this picture – love it!

March 9, 2015

Cycling in London for week 22 of my challenge.




March 10, 2015

I haven’t always known where I am heading but it hasn’t stopped me from moving forward and achieving. I have always believed I will get to a good place, somewhere that I was meant to go.

We must … have faith and just go with it.

March 13, 2015

Week 23 of my marathon challenge … I went to Dalby Forest to take on the ‘Red Route’ with FRIENDS. It was a tough challenge and a great experience.




March 10, 2015

I haven’t always known where I am heading but it hasn’t stopped me from moving forward and achieving. I have always believed I will get to a good place, somewhere that I was meant to go.

We must … have faith and just go with it.

March 13, 2015

Week 23 of my marathon challenge … I went to Dalby Forest to take on the ‘Red Route’ with FRIENDS. It was a tough challenge and a great experience.




March 20, 2015

Have patience … you can’t rush some things. All in good time. It won’t help worrying. It will happen naturally. Just go with it. Enjoy what you can … better things are coming your way.

March 21, 2015

Great to meet the lady behind the PAUL bracelets. Thanks to Sarah from Oswellnrose for making and donating them – I think they’re cool! Available at Poorboy Boutique from Monday priced at £2.50.

March 21, 2015

Week 24 of my marathon challenge … a 24-mile run to meet Albie Spence – he’s a beauty! Congratulations to my brother Mark and Lisa on his safe arrival – love you guys.




March 23, 2015

Don’t make recovery harder for yourself – go at your pace. Regular breaks. Don’t take too much on. Regular meals. Use coping strategies. Be kind to yourself. Reach out for support when you need it.

March 26, 2015

Passing your driving test after 3 years of brain recovery! I played safe and had an assessment with the RDAC. I would recommend using this organisation if you’re worried about driving after brain injury. I now have the confidence to drive again – POSITIVE PROGRESS!

March 27, 2015

Absolutely buzzing with my marathon T-Shirt. A special thanks to the AMAZING local businesses that have sponsored this T-Shirt and helped to raise a huge £1500!

March 29, 2015

Week 25 of my marathon challenge. I built the confidence to take on all four disciplines. It was my toughest ever challenge to date!

March 30, 2015

Week 26 – I completed my first marathon. I was overwhelmed with the support. Thanks to everyone involved. We are all capable of so much more if we push ourselves and never give up!






March 31, 2015

Thanks for reading my blog. I sincerely hope that it was helpful in some way. This is only an overview of my recovery journey. I’m always happy to talk in more detail about a specific subject if it’s helpful. Please contact the charity if you would like any more information –

Finally, I have recovered well but I am not the same. I live with brain damage that affects me every day. What’s made the difference? I didn’t let my vulnerabilities hold me back. Yes, I was frightened and often felt out of my depth, but I kept moving forward. I pushed myself, time and time again. I risked making myself look silly and faced some awkward moments. I made mistakes and I have learnt from them. I accepted I am different, adapted and learned to love myself again. I used healthy lifestyle choices and coping strategies to help me heal and rebuild strength and confidence. Setting goals to give me purpose and reaching out for mental health support both made a significant difference. I’m privileged to have had good people around me.

All of the above and more enabled me to rebuild a new identity from rock bottom. If I can do it, so can you.

Don’t let anything hold you back (including yourself) from being the best you can be.


Best wishes, Paul.


P.A.U.L For Brain Recovery provide a range of services that help people avoid crisis, manage daily living and come to terms with, what can often be, life long disabilities. Here is their service provision booklet if you would like to know more:


P.A.U.L For Brain Recovery service provision booklet