Mike’s Story
Brain injury: Traumatic brain injury following an attack
Date of brain injury: 2002
What happened?
I used to love going out partying. I was a single dad to a two-year-old boy. One night we were having drinks at the pub and my lodger hurt my cousin. When we got back to the flat, my lodger lost it. He kicked everyone out and attacked me, saying he would kill me. I was in a coma for 6 weeks.
After my TBI, I barely left the house alone for 16 years. If I did go to the shop, I would go before 7am so I wouldn’t see people. My anxiety was crippling and I felt totally alone.
How has the charity helped?
Since meeting the team at the charity, my life has changed. My confidence is better and I have a great social life. My anxiety is almost gone and I’m doing things I haven’t done in years. When I had my brain injury, I felt like a baby again but now I am regaining my independence. If I could tell someone with a brain injury anything, it would be that you can get through this.