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Matt’s Story

Brain injury: Tumours

Date of brain injury: 2019


What happened?

After suffering a major seizure at work in January 2019, I was taken to hospital and later diagnosed with a brain tumour. I had been for a CT scan in 2010 but the tumour was too small and was not seen. I was booked in for brain surgery to remove the tumour. I wasn’t overly worried about the upcoming surgery until the night before, it suddenly dawned on me that I could die, have a stroke or be left paralysed. I put so much effort into my physical recovery and I completely disregarded the mental battle that comes with brain injury. Work would not allow me back and this broke me leaving me with severe depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. I soon found out that my tumour had begun to grow back and I would need radiotherapy and chemotherapy. I found it difficult to ask for help when I knew I needed it and telling people that I wasn’t ok. Also accepting that I had a brain injury  – I still have trouble with that now.


How has the charity helped?

The charity has helped me to learn to accept that I do have a brain injury and that I need to respect and understand that in order to overcome any barriers moving forward. I’ve met people that have also had brain tumours and brain surgery – suddenly, I’m not alone. On days where I would find myself at home, feeling sorry for myself, the charity allowed me to pop in and meet like-minded people, hone my photography skills and show me the benefits of nature post brain injury.