We are extremely proud that our ABI support services are commissioned by the NHS Hull CCG and we are delighted to work in partnership with CHCP to deliver this NHS Community Contract.

P.A.U.L For Brain Recovery was founded to bridge the gap of provision in the acquired brain injury care pathway, following discharge from acute services. Since the charity was formed in 2016, we have worked continuously to develop effective working partnerships with numerous healthcare professionals, organisations and agencies that are involved in supporting those affected by ABI.
We are proud to say that through this hard work we have made great progress in forging strong regional partnerships and links, ensuring that there is a smooth support pathway of care for anyone affected by brain injury locally.
Some of these key partnerships and links include:
City Health Care Partnership
NHS England
Hull Royal Infirmary Neurosurgery Ward
Castle Hill Hospital Specialist Rehabilitation Ward
Department of Psychological Services (Castle Hill Hospital)
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust
Carers Information and Support Service
University of Hull
Hull Adult Social Services
Hull Community Rehabilitation
Let’s Talk
Connect well
Hull 2020 Champions
We remain dedicated to driving the continuous development of the ABI care pathway both locally and nationally. If you are involved in supporting anyone affected by ABI then please get in touch to discuss how we can work together.