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Golden Hearts and Coast to Coast

May 2, 2014

Golden Hearts awards for HEY Hospitals 2014. It was like the Oscars! We were rubbing shoulders with the elite NHS staff for Hull and East Yorkshire. They were all winners! It was an honour to be sitting amongst those inspiring people. We had an amazing time. We were really overwhelmed to have been involved in such a prestigious awards evening.

May 5, 2014

With my memory being so poor I was often finding I forgot to reply to messages from family and friends. If I got distracted from replying I just forgot about the message. This could make me come across as being rude. I discussed this with my friends. We came up with a strategy for them to remind me if I don’t reply after 12 hours. This really helped to keep our communication on track.

I recommend being honest with your loved ones about your challenges. Communication is key for recovery. You can promote understanding and find solutions and strategies together.

May 10, 2014

I carried on with my cycling after the success of the triathlon. I was training for the Coast to Coast bike ride. A few friends and my brother, Mark, also decided to get involved. This was brilliant! I even bought some lycra for the occasion. I definitely wouldn’t have done that pre-brain injury. I was enjoying the new experiences.

May 14, 2014

I spoke to my neuropsychologist about my concerns with driving. I was aware that my cognitive abilities were impaired. This made me feel different behind the wheel. I just didn’t feel right. I was advised that there is a cognitive driving assessment I could do which was local in Hull.

I would look into it. Best to be safe than sorry!

May 20, 2014

I’m still training with Chris. We are enjoying the fitness journey together which feels brilliant. Our training goals gave me a purpose which really helped. I recommend trying to find a positive focus during brain recovery. It could be anything at all as long as it doesn’t stress you mentally. If you can get an understanding friend alongside you, then perfect.

May 26, 2014

The Coast to Coast Challenge, done! Over 150 miles cycling through the green grass of home. Our country is beautiful! A thrilling and rewarding challenge. It was tough in parts but well worth it. The year before I wouldn’t have been able to take part. I was smiling every minute – positive progress!