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Effects on Executive Function

May 9, 2013

I was training hard and eating well with Men’s Health in mind. Something that wasn’t healthy was smoking. I had smoked for 15 years so I knew it would be tough to quit. I was willing to give it a shot.

May 15, 2013

My neuropsychologist was providing education on frontal lobe damage. A common effect is on executive function.

P.A.U.L For Brain Recovery worked in partnership with the Department of Psychological Services, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust to produce information on the effects of executive function after acquired brain injury.

Effects on Executive Functioning after ABI booklet

May 17, 2013

Unfortunately, my neuropsychologist was going on maternity leave. She was the only neuropsychologist in Hull at this time! We had to stop my rehabilitation until she returned. In the meantime, if I needed help/advice I would have to visit my G.P. At the time I thought I would be OK.

May 21, 2013

I was still forgetting basic information. About this time I went to visit a friend up the road, it was the first time I had been to his house. He told me he lived at house number 23. When I got there, I was getting confused. I could see 22 and 24 but where was his house, I thought. I was scratching my head thinking is it behind or something? I must have been looking conspicuous because the guy from 22 came out… ‘Can I help you mate?’ He asked.

‘Yes I’m looking for number 23 mate’ I said, looking over his shoulder into his back garden! He looked at me and laughed and said ‘it’s over there mate’, obviously pointing behind me across the road.

‘Ah sorry course it is’. I had forgotten that was the general layout of houses. I noticed the more I was doing the more things like this were happening. The knowledge was in my head, it just needed retrieving. There were some embarrassing situations which I laugh about now.

May 29, 2013

The first time I had been to London was for a fitness shoot at Men’s Health. Who would have thought it eh? The year before I could not even go to the local shop!

Never give up!

I never realistically knew if I would make it into that respected health magazine, but I worked hard and was persistent. It wasn’t just the time at Men’s Health that was amazing, the full London experience was incredible. I took the opportunity to have a run around Hyde Park which I really enjoyed. It was a positive experience for Gemma too.


June 2, 2013

The London trip really highlights the progress I had made since my brain injury. Although everyone will recover differently good things can still be achieved. I hope my story can give people hope for the future!

June 15, 2013

Something that started to annoy me was being distracted from what I was doing. Pre-brain injury I could divide my attention between tasks at work but now it’s impossible. I have to focus on the job in hand. There is no thought for anything else. It was a consequence of having a poor attention/concentration span. If you know or are caring for someone with a brain injury this is something you should be mindful of.

June 16, 2013

A very proud moment was waking up to this on Father’s Day. The year before I was a shadow of the man I was. Not being able to provide and protect my son hurt a lot! A year on seeing these words from Reece was magic:

June 20, 2013

I felt more aware of the lack of thoughts in my brain. It was like someone had turned off my mental chatter. I imagine it’s the reason why I sometimes look vacant.

June 25, 2013

Unfortunately, Gemma and I split up. The injury had robbed our connection from day one. We had done really well to hold on for as long as we did. We had both been through so much. Our lives revolved around this injury. This was another really sad consequence of having a brain injury. We separated on good terms and agreed to stay friends. I will always be thankful to Gemma for everything she did at such a difficult time in my life. She will always have my respect and best wishes.

June 27, 2013

I started training with an old school friend Chris. He’s a great bloke who is thoughtful and understanding. I could be slow and limited with the amount of conversation, but I never felt any pressure with Chris. I could go at my own pace which was good for recovery.