We are passionate about educating and inspiring future generations by raising awareness of the devastating effects of one punch and the importance of brain health.
‘One Punch Ruins Lives’ talks
We have embraced the opportunity to work with local schools. Currently, Paul is delivering a series of ‘One Punch Ruins Lives’ talks at various local schools, including Archbishop Sentamu, Malet Lambert, and Beverley Grammar School. These talks highlight the devastating consequences of how ‘One Punch Ruins Lives’ and have been kindly sponsored by Tutor Doctor Hull.
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The feedback from these “One Punch Ruins Lives” talks has been phenomenal, with pupils thoroughly engaging with the content throughout. We have had some fantastic feedback from the staff and pupils alike.
“It was a great talk. I have learned to think before my actions because actions can ruin people’s lives”. – Pupil
Malet Lambert said, “Thank you to @PAUL4brain (P.A.U.L For Brain Recovery) for delivering an incredibly important talk to our Year 7 pupils today on the dangers and consequences of throwing just one punch.”
To see the full news article from Malet Lambert click here.
Since the launch of the ‘One Punch Ruins Lives’ talks, we have had a high interest in Paul raising awareness of the devastating consequences of one punch and presenting schools with one of the ‘Your Brain Works’ boards. These schools have included Archbishop Sentamu, Malet Lambert and Beverley Grammar School.
In addition to these informative talks, one of our goals for 2024, we intend to provide every secondary school across Hull and East Yorkshire with one of our ‘Your Brain Works’ boards.
The board was originally designed to highlight to our service users the key elements in aiding the best recovery possible after a brain injury. However, we know how essential it is for us all to make a conscious effort to look after ourselves, especially when it comes to our brain health. The board includes:

If Pauls ‘One Punch Ruins Lives’ is something your business could benefit from please get in touch by visiting The Paul Talks Website or email us at: info@paultalks.co.uk