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Accepting the New Me

June 1, 2014

Neurorehabilitation arranged for some tests for me to carry out. This would enable them to gauge the permanent damage of the injury. The tests were over 3 days. This was a big milestone for me. At the very start of my recovery I had been told to walk a path and see how I was after two years. Not knowing how you’re going to be in the future for that long is psychological torture. I wouldn’t wish it on anybody!

June 5, 2014

I am pleased to say I had gone over a year without having a cigarette! Quitting smoking is without a doubt one of the best things I have ever done for myself. From 20 a day in early recovery to none. I am really happy with that – positive progress!

June 14, 2014

All the money was in from the 10K event. We had raised £4005! Another brilliant effort by everyone involved. I presented the cheque at a fundraising event for the charity.

It was nice to see my good friend Wolfie. It felt really special presenting the cheque in front of Mark and Reece. Thanks to everyone who made this possible.

June 15, 2014

I had a brilliant Father’s Day with Reece this year. We spent the day doing lad things. I couldn’t have done this with him in early recovery. Special times!

I hope this gives comfort to anyone struggling in front of their children during early recovery. Things can get better.

June 18, 2014

I had gained confidence over this last year. Lived experience was helping me cope with my challenges. I had to go through a process of learning and acceptance, coming to terms with a new me. It took years to get this far. Brain recovery is so long!

I had made it harder for myself because I fought against the process with wanting to be the old me. This was a big mistake.

June 21, 2014

As my recovery went on I was always learning new things about myself. I was keen to improve and help my new brain work better. I found it useful to reflect on my day and recognise if I was struggling. Being honest with myself and adjusting to different ways of thinking or behaving was empowering. I was enjoying working on the new Paul.

Recently, I had noticed that I was putting myself under pressure with on the spot thinking. As one of my weaknesses is processing information this was no doubt going to take longer than before. A coping strategy I have employed is to tell myself … there is no need for an immediate response. Also, to tell people about my situation to gain that bit more time I need. I found this strategy really helps.